New Songs of Insurrection Pre-Order Gifts!

EDIT: This offer now extends to Audible listeners!

I need pre-orders for the eBook and downloads of the Audiobook of the new edition of Songs of Insurrection.

Therefore, if you pre-order before March 12 for the discounted price of just $2.99, email me a screencap of your receipt to, and I’ll send you a 6×9 double-sided glossy cardstock of the artwork for both Songs of Insurrection and Orchestra of Treacheries. Be sure to include your mailing address, and let me know if you want it signed.

Read the first three chapters!

Signed Hardbacks

If you want a signed hardback, send me a screencap of your eBook purchase, and another $20 via paypal ( or venmo (johnkang804). That’s the eBook and signed hardback for less than the Amazon price for an unsigned hardback, and you’ll smile knowing that more profits came to me, less to Jeff Bezos.

And of course, I’ll add in the 6×9 glossy cardstock print.

UK/EU: I can do this with a copy sent directly to you from the printer, and a signed bookplate for me.
AU: I can do this with a copy sent directly to you from the printer, and a signed bookplate from me. Because of shipping costs, I can only do this for US$27 plus an AU pre-order.
CA: because of shipping costs, I can only pull this off for US$30 plus a CA pre-order.

What’s New

The new edition of Songs of Insurrection includes two new chapters and many places with internal narratives to reflect the prequel series, Scions of the Black Lotus.



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